Describe a trend that you notice happening where you live,what is this trend,and why dose it interest you ?
I notice that more and more people pay attention to their health,they used to have sweet snacks,fast food,soft drink,however ,they are willing to eat lots of vegetables such as lettuce,tomato,cucumber.They are full of vitamins.And young guys prefer to do fitness in gymnasium instead of playing computer games online. i always see boys and girls running on the street,elder people dance on the square for pleasure.I definitely believe they are good habits.
What part of your personality do you feel is inherent and what part have you acquired through experience?
Honest is an aspect of my inherent personality.I rarely tell lies to other people except i need to tell white lies sometimes.For example,if i forget doing my homework,i will not say i have done my homework and left that home.If someone who is new in my hometown ask directions and i do not know how to go there exactly, i do not lead him to go to the wrong way.And patient is an aspect of personality i acquired through experience.when i worked as an assistant in a vehicle company once,i had to enquire customers which kind of vehicle they wanted and explain something professional to them. If you want to do it well,you should be patient not only to your customers but also to your boss all the time,it is really essential for an assistant.
Eating healthy and only telling white lies...hmmm...sounds like a decent way of doing things. :D